015 - More Marketing Methods


Anthony and Keith bring up some new ways to promote your comic, adding to the techniques discussed in episode "005 - Marketing Methods."

Anthony's been getting back into the swing of things with coloring the next Brawn comic. Keith has ordered some Local Heroes t-shirts to test new merchanidising waters at the next Staple!. Also, he is planning to create a new sample sheet to give people a good idea of the latest storyline.

Wizard World Austin was recently announced, which will take place over three days in the middle of November 2010. Potentially, this is a great opportunity for both Keith and Anthony, although Keith feels that the price for an Artist's Alley table might be a bit too steep.

Just over a week ago, Keith was treated to something close to an "old time radio show" before the showing of a movie at a local theater, the Alamo Drafthouse. Jason Neulander and a small team of three voice actors, one musician, and one sound effects specialist performed a chapter of his comic, The Intergalactic Nemesis, in front of a live audience. As they performed, panels from the comic were displayed on the movie screen. Keith felt they did a great job using their background in theater to promote their comic.

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This page contains a single entry by Keith published on January 18, 2010 9:10 PM.

014 - Happy New Year! was the previous entry in this blog.

016 - Repurposing Your Content is the next entry in this blog.

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