018 - Countdown to Staple 2010


Anthony and Keith make last-minute preparations for the Staple! independent media expo in Austin, Texas. Also, they chat about past lessons and their goals for this year's Staple!.

The episode began with an examination of the recent web stats for LocalHeroes.us. The stats—still being tracked for two more weeks—can be found on a new permanent page called Sample Web Stats for LocalHeroes.us.

Partway into the podcast, they were joined by another Talkshoe user who goes by the name "theLastProphet." He asked questions about Staple!, the backgrounds of the hosts, the goals of the Part-Time Comics podcast, and the ways in which the hosts get the word out about their respective projects. theLastProphet mentioned a community-run website centered on the comics industry that he found helpful for chatting with other creative types and promoting oneself, www.theouthousers.com.

The session wrapped up with a quick reflection of the latest version of Keith's Convention Checklist.

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This page contains a single entry by Keith published on March 1, 2010 9:52 PM.

017 - Who Does Which Work? was the previous entry in this blog.

019 - Staple Aftermath is the next entry in this blog.

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