June 2009 Archives

002 - Creating a Comic


In this second Part-Time Comics podcast, Anthony and Keith chat about their respective comic creation and production processes.

(This podcast was recorded on June 16, 2009)

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
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What happens when two comic creators team up to share their ideas? No, we're not talking about the latest hero-inspired silver screen summer blockbuster. We're talking about Keith Quinn, founder of Local Heroes™ and Anthony Rezendes, owner of Cranium Comics™ and their new joint venture, the Part-Time Comics podcast.

First Part-Time Comics Podcast Published


Anthony Rezendes and Keith Quinn discuss their efforts in creating comics part-time. They talk about what they do as day jobs, what their side projects are, and the long-term purpose for the podcast. Topics such as processes, marketing, influences, and printing techniques are touched upon briefly, as well as structure and layout and preparing for comic conventions.

(This podcast was recorded on June 5, 2009)

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
Listen to this podcast with iTunes.

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