Anthony and Keith at Comic-Con


This year's San Diego Comic-Con is fast approaching—it's this week, from Thursday, July 23, through Sunday, July 26. If you wander through Artists' Alley, make sure to stop by table JJ-17 and meet Anthony and Keith. They'll be chatting about their comics (and selling them, too). And, if things work out at planned, they'll be broadcasting the fourth Part-Time Comics podcast on Friday evening, at 10:00pm EDT (7:00pm PDT).

Update: Due to our inability to coordinate having access to our laptop at the same time as having access to the Internet, we have to delay our fourth podcast. The next podcast day will be broadcast on Friday, July 30.

Update #2: Both Anthony and Keith caught the flu from Comic-Con, so we're going to switch the next podcast to Monday, August 3. In fact, Mondays will be our new recording day (as announced here).

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This page contains a single entry by Keith published on July 20, 2009 9:38 PM.

003 - Convention Preparation was the previous entry in this blog.

New Schedule: Alternate Mondays is the next entry in this blog.

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