Part-Time Comic Creators Share Their Stories in New Podcast

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What happens when two comic creators team up to share their ideas? No, we're not talking about the latest hero-inspired silver screen summer blockbuster. We're talking about Keith Quinn, founder of Local Heroes™ and Anthony Rezendes, owner of Cranium Comics™ and their new joint venture, the Part-Time Comics podcast.

The idea for Part-Time Comics began as a conversation between both Quinn and Rezendes over lunch earlier in the year. They were already sharing their indie web and print comic publishing experiences with one another, but felt their discussions had broader appeal.

"We talked about our creation processes, and how we've tried to be successful without quitting our day jobs," said Quinn. "Creating a podcast that could potentially help other people trying to accomplish similar goals, while also driving the two of us toward our own goals, seemed like a great idea."

The podcast centers around both Quinn and Rezendes developing their own projects while gearing up for the 2010 Staple! Independent Media Expo in Austin, Texas. Because each is pursuing their goals a little differently, they each hope to shed some light on two distinct avenues for success.

"Something like this is great for me because it helps me stay on track so far as meeting my goals" Rezendes said. "Also, it's easier if you have a 'spotter'—someone who can keep you focused and on task as they are going through the same sorts of things. I think Keith and I can provide that for each other."

Discussions topic will include size and format of comics, web sites, printers, distribution, and marketing techniques, all from a "do it yourself" perspective. The underlying idea of taking the financial bootstrapping approach—essentially creating something with no financial resources from external investors—appeals to both of them.

"For the time being, we realize we're not going to be making much money off of our efforts, if any," Rezendes said. "Right now, it's about following your passion, doing what you love, and making time for your ideas to help them grow."

The first Part-Time Comics podcast was released on Friday, June 12, with a new episode to be shared every other Friday thereafter. New episodes will be shared through and iTunes as they become available.

About Part-Time Comics
Part-Time Comics is a bi-weekly podcast from Anthony Rezendes and Keith Quinn, two guys who create comics while still trying to keep their day jobs. New episodes are shared every other Friday. Listen in at,, and iTunes. For more information on Part-Time Comics, go to

About Keith Quinn
Keith Quinn is an MMOG game designer, web designer, and illustrator. In his free time, Keith creates the comic strips Local Heroes™ ( and Playtime Projects™ (, and the Heroes Incorporated® comic book. For more information on Keith and his projects, visit

About Anthony Rezendes
Anthony Rezendes is a senior interactive designer for a non-profit organization. Besides also being a freelance graphic artist, Anthony co-created the Brawn™ comic book. For more information on Anthony and his projects, visit

Cranium Comics is a trademark of Anthony Rezendes. Hurm, Local Heroes, Playtime Projects, and Heroes Incorporated are trademarks or registered trademarks of Keith Quinn. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.


This is a great idea. There are a lot of people (like me) interested in getting into comics, but aren't sure where to start. Something like this that shows others working FT jobs while doing this is inspiring. Thanks!

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This page contains a single entry by Keith published on June 22, 2009 9:12 PM.

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