012 - Web Presence Updates


Anthony and Keith chat about recent updates to their websites and other related business.

Within the past two weeks, both Keith Quinn and Anthony Rezendes made updates to their websites. Unfortunately, they also had some "time wasters" that they had to deal with.

Recently, Anthony's Facebook account for Cranium Comics as temporarily banned, but he was able to work with their support team to regain access. Earlier today, Anthony posted to the Cranium Comics website, "R. Crumb & Art Spiegelman: A Conversation." The article summarizes his experience at a recent public discussion between the two creators. He also mentioned having some troubles with his online store, and may be looking into a new store system as an alternative to troubleshooting the issue.

Keith mentioned his day job's mandatory overtime schedule has been relaxed, allowing him some time to revisit several Hurm.com updates he's long had in mind.The main page now includes six new blocks of content, each one spotlighting his current projects. Also, he added a new URL for Heroes Incorporated® at www.hurm.com/heroesincorporated/. While making these updates, Keith cleaned up the small amounts of spam that the Hurm.com forums had been suffering from since the beginning of the month.

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This page contains a single entry by Keith published on November 23, 2009 8:53 PM.

011 - Making Time When You Don't Have Time was the previous entry in this blog.

013 - Handling Distractions is the next entry in this blog.

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