021 - Interview with Jason Henderson


Anthony and Keith chat with Jason Henderson, writer of Alex Van Helsing, IDW's "Sword of Dracula," and Marvel's new comic, "Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow."

Jason Henderson has written stories such as Alex Van Helsing, "Sword of Dracula," and Marvel's new comic, "Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow."

As part of the interview, Jason shared some of his process with Keith and Anthony. He uses "Final Draft" for his scripts. He often works at night—sometimes at home, but other times some place quiet, like a college lecture hall.

Learn more about Jason and his work in the podcast, at his blog (alexvanhelsing.com), and on Twitter (http://twitter.com/jhendersontx).

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This page contains a single entry by Keith published on August 23, 2010 10:11 PM.

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022 - Interview with Jeff Bent is the next entry in this blog.

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