September 2009 Archives

008 - Producing "Local Heroes"


Anthony talks with Keith about how he creates the Local Heroes comic and website.

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
Listen to this podcast with iTunes.

New Links Page


The show notes for a typical Part-Time Comics podcast includes a summary of that podcast's discussion as well as a collection of links to services and products we mentioned. We've collected all of those links we shared into one web page, and will be adding new links to that page with each new broadcast. Go to to check out those links.

007 - Producing "Brawn"

The creation of the next Brawn comic is under way, and Anthony talks about what goes into the planning, creation, and production of a book by Cranium Comics.

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
Listen to this podcast with iTunes.

Upcoming Appearances

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About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from September 2009 listed from newest to oldest.

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October 2009 is the next archive.

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