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New Links Page


The show notes for a typical Part-Time Comics podcast includes a summary of that podcast's discussion as well as a collection of links to services and products we mentioned. We've collected all of those links we shared into one web page, and will be adding new links to that page with each new broadcast. Go to to check out those links.

New Schedule: Alternate Mondays


The Part-Time Comics podcast is changing it's schedule. Instead of being broadcast every other Friday, now we'll be broadcasting every other Monday—starting on August 3. Everything else remains the same: 9:00pm EDT at

Our First Live Podcast


Part-Time Comics will be having its first live podcast on Friday, July 10, at 9:00pm EDT. The theme will be "Convention Preparation"—Anthony and Keith will chat about how they "gear-up" for conventions, both as fans and as exhibitors.

The podcast will be recorded live at Talkshoe (who we also use to host our podcasts) and visitors will be able to listen as we chat live.

Upcoming Appearances

Latest Podcast

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