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023 - Interview with Jason Neulander


Anthony and Keith chat with Jason Neulander, producer and director of The Intergalactic Nemesis (

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022 - Interview with Jeff Bent


Keith and Anthony chat with Jeff Bent, a fellow part-time comics creator.

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021 - Interview with Jason Henderson


Anthony and Keith chat with Jason Henderson, writer of Alex Van Helsing, IDW's "Sword of Dracula," and Marvel's new comic, "Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow."

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
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020 - Interview with Dan Price


Anthony and Keith chat with Dan Price, creator of Latex Avenger.

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
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019 - Staple Aftermath


Anthony and Keith talk about their successes and failures from Staple 2010, chat about their experiences from the Dragon's Lair "Indie Comic Day," reflect on the lessons learned from past podcasts, and gaze into their futures as part-time comics creators.

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
Listen to this podcast with iTunes.

018 - Countdown to Staple 2010


Anthony and Keith make last-minute preparations for the Staple! independent media expo in Austin, Texas. Also, they chat about past lessons and their goals for this year's Staple!.

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
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017 - Who Does Which Work?


For those who create comics part-time, Anthony and Keith make the call on which is more important: "reputation" or "personal branding."

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
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016 - Repurposing Your Content


Flyers, iPod/iPad, print versions of webcomics. . . Anthony and Keith talk about ways they repurpose their comics.

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
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015 - More Marketing Methods


Anthony and Keith bring up some new ways to promote your comic, adding to the techniques discussed in episode "005 - Marketing Methods."

Listen to this podcast at Talkshoe.
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014 - Happy New Year!


Anthony and Keith catch up on their projects after some time-off, and discuss the latest changes at

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